
Terms and conditions
  1. I hereby certify that my child has my permission to attend Soccer-Soccer Academy camp.
  2. If at any time emergency medical treatment is necessary for my child, I give my consent for treatment to be given.
  3. Every effort will be made to contact parent guardian.
  4. I hereby agree to release and indemnify Soccer-Soccer Academy, instructors and members from any actions claims, or injury that my occur.
  5. I hereby agree to use my own insurance for cover any injuries of my son/daughter during the training sessions in Soccer-Soccer camp.
  6. Soccer-Soccer Academy is not responsible for any loss or damage of personal property of any participants.
  7. In all our camps we provide a special extended camp program for "Long day" working parents:
    Early drop-off between 7:30-8:30 or-and late Pick-up at 18:00.
    The price is 50 Eur per child for a full week
  8. Please refrain from bringing outside food and drinks that contain nuts due to possible allergic reaction.
Payment due with registration : 
  1. Please state on proof of payment: THE CAMP NAME or CAMP DATE + CHILD NAME.
  2. Deposit ONLY 50.00 Euro to secure the place to: GLOBALPRO Sarl
    IBAN LU06 0030 1231 1152 0000
  3. Send registration form with proof of payment, to our email address 
  4. After that we will send you camp confirmation number.